Imangu er stolte over at have fået muligheden for at bygge VisitDenmarks nye kinesiske webportal. Vores mission er at repræsentere dansk designstil på den mest autentiske måde og samtidig appellere til det kinesiske publikum. Gennem denne spændende webportal ønsker vi at tiltrække flere kinesiske turister til Danmark og give dem en uforglemmelig oplevelse af vores smukke land og kultur. Vi er begejstrede for at være en del af dette projekt og ser frem til at levere en innovativ og inspirerende løsning for VisitDenmark og deres kinesiske målgruppe.
VisitDenmak wanted to build a tourist portal targeting Chinese tourists, but also build a suite that clearly represented Danish design style, while at the same time fit into the business universe. An additional requirement was that the solution had to be easy to duplicate, so that future business sites could easily be implemented without the need for extensive resources. Marketing should be in from the start, so content and landing pages could easily be optimized for SEM.
Imangu offered Drupal as the solution, which was already being used in the international version of the Visit Denmark website. We recommended to host the site in China in order to achieve optimal speed on the site. Everything will be developed based on default Drupal standards so that future integration with third-party systems will be easier. We also proposed a fully responsive site from the start, since a very large percentage of Chinese netizens use mobile devices for browsing the Internet.
Top of the line modern informational site built in Drupal CMS, coupled with a fully responsive solution that is a breeze to manage. It's hosted on one of China's fastest cloud solutions, and marketing considerations were conceived from the start, so topics and articles are easily optimized for social media or Chinese search engines. Cooperation between imangu and VisitDenmark continues with new business sites, based on this first Chinese VisitDenmark launch.
imangu har gennem de sidste 5 år udviklet og vedligeholdt vores kinesiske hjemmeside. Vi er rigtig glade for deres arbejde og de mange dygtige medarbejdere de har ansat. Jeg kan varmt anbefale imangu.
Tal med vores professionelle udviklere og få vores uforpligtende feedback på dit projekt eller din idé. Tøv ikke med at kontakte os i dag, vi svarer altid inden for 24 timer.